
Welcome to Wannabe XP (professional). It's a fun web experience (hosted on Neocities! :D) that brings back that nostalgic feel of technology from the early 2000s. This project is continuously growing. Developed & maintaned by Xobyte, this web application is written entirely in client-side JavaScript & HTML. This is not supposed to be a copy of Windows XP, or an emulator, but rather it is something for fun with heavy ispiration from the Windows XP classic UI. I do give Microsoft credit for all system icons used in this, such as Windows logo, close window, log off, shutdown, and more... but everything else has been designed by me. Snoop around, have fun!

Note: some windows have been minimized to keep things neat & clean, feel free to explore the opened tabs!

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Check out the system alerts using the "Try Me" buttons above. Like them? They're free to use for your website! Read the code or Download it

News & Updates

Fixed some bugs on windows being stuck hidden when using the taskbar to toggle the window view. (Dec. 15, 2023)

To Do: